Garage Kits

Densha Otoko Mina

Moon Rabbit Mina is a weird little obsession of mine.  It was part of a fantastic drama series called "Densha Otoko" as a fake anime that the main characters were enamored with. The drama proved to be so popular that they decided to actually make a real anime series based on those fake characters.  Problem is, they forgot in all the hubbub that you need more than great character designs and a couple well known actors to have a successful anime (well, most of the time, though it seems to be the basis of most "moe" anime success).  The show was a complete flop and poor little Mina has all but been forgotten.

Hikaru… win! (Misaki and Hikaru)

This is the kit that made me realize how inferior recasts can be. Many years ago, I was excited to even find a kit at all from this series and hurriedly placed an order from one of the popular Hong Kong recast sites. I'm used to ugly seam lines, extra air bubbles and fit issues with recasts, but this one set the bar even lower with outright vandalism to the skirt piece from the original mould, foreign particles in the resin and completely deformed parts.  If I hadn't known better I would have sworn it was a Thai recast. Big reason why I only buy originals now unless it's for a modification project. Enough negativity, onto the pics!