DC Direct

C2E2 2012 coverage – DC Collectibles part 3 – Arkham City and Watchmen

If you haven't played Rocksteady's fantastic Batman games, I suggest you step away from the computer and remedy that right now. If you have, you probably want to know when the next story DLC is coming out.  Unfortunately I can't tell you that, but I can show you some of the upcoming figures that I'm pretty pumped about. At the DC Collectibles C2E2 panel last weekend, everyone participating seemed very excited about what was coming from their partnership with Rocksteady and it definitely seemed like there were still surprises yet to be revealed.

C2E2 2012 – DC Collectibles Part 4 – The Dark Knight Rises, Ame-Comi and Everything Else

The all-female Ame-Comi line hasn't gotten a lot of attention even with DC Collectors, possibly because no one really seems to know where it fits in. It started out as a competitor to the Kotobukiya Bishoujo line with some stiff competition with the Shunya Yamashita Marvel designs, which have since branched out to include DC characters as well. Now, DC aims to change that with an announcement made at C2E2 this past weekend.