
Doom Marine continued: kill it with fire!

My slow uphill battle with the protagonist of the Doom series continues! What started out as a simple repaint has turned into a slow progression into madness. It seems after starting work that no modification has been done to any of the joints save attaching them to the figure, which anyone who has attempted an action figure mod knows is not good. Any reposing that isn't handled with the utmost care results in paint rub, which I didn't budget for fixing. I'm cleaning up what I can and leaving the rest to fate which makes me unhappy in a professional sense, but sometimes you have to just do what you can in the original scope of work.

Action Figure Mod: Doom Marine in progress

Here's a look at what I've been cursing at the last few weeks. This Doom Marine project was a previous action figure mod done by the client, who asked me to do some improvements. The figure was pretty old and showing some signs of deterioration and damage, so first order of business was to take a really detailed look at the problems I'd be facing.

C2E2 2012 coverage – DC Collectibles part 1 – Busts and Flashpoint

Just before C2E2, DC sent out a press release announcing their name change from DC Direct to DC Collectibles. Despite the name not quite rolling off the tongue quite as well, a lot of excitement has been moving through the comics community due to the company expanding their figure offerings in their new online store. This made the panel at C2E2 a must-cover for us. Let's go over some of the highlights!

C2E2 2012 coverage – DC Collectibles part 3 – Arkham City and Watchmen

If you haven't played Rocksteady's fantastic Batman games, I suggest you step away from the computer and remedy that right now. If you have, you probably want to know when the next story DLC is coming out.  Unfortunately I can't tell you that, but I can show you some of the upcoming figures that I'm pretty pumped about. At the DC Collectibles C2E2 panel last weekend, everyone participating seemed very excited about what was coming from their partnership with Rocksteady and it definitely seemed like there were still surprises yet to be revealed.

C2E2 2012 – DC Collectibles Part 4 – The Dark Knight Rises, Ame-Comi and Everything Else

The all-female Ame-Comi line hasn't gotten a lot of attention even with DC Collectors, possibly because no one really seems to know where it fits in. It started out as a competitor to the Kotobukiya Bishoujo line with some stiff competition with the Shunya Yamashita Marvel designs, which have since branched out to include DC characters as well. Now, DC aims to change that with an announcement made at C2E2 this past weekend.

Elspeth Custom Action Figure Finished Commission

This Elspeth began life as a Sylvanas Windrunner World of Warcraft figure from DC Unlimited. The customer who requested her wanted her kept as an archer but changed to more suit Elspeth's style and of course, changed from elf to human. After a little Apoxie sculpt and a whole lot of metallic paint, here she is.

While checking out the new Avengers movie figures…

This kid is probably about 5 years older or 10 years younger than Nerf's target demographics. So much of my time when I'm not working on various projects is spent checking out the various new toy lines, as many of you know.  So when I saw mention that the new Avengers movie toys had surfaced at Toys R Us I had to go check them out.  As a long-time fan of Hawkeye and archer characters in general, I immediately bypassed all the Iron Man and Cap rehashes and dug for the good stuff.